Thursday, October 31, 2013


Busy Girl

Missy has been such a busy girl catching up on business stuff. Redesigned the website and it looks great. Brushing up on the QuickBooks changes for 2014 for both desktop and online versions. Studying for enrolled agent exam that I am registered for in December. Then add marketing into the mix and taking care of the house and the boys. Plus being sick adds for a very tired Missy. Oh did I forget marketing and boy is marketing tiresome. Tomorrow is Halloween so I will taking Dom out for a while unless he decides he would rather to something fun or get a new toy. My glands are still swollen and irritated but my mouth is finally healing. Hopefully I can go see my mom on Sunday. I hope everyone has a happy Halloween........time for sleep.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tooth Extraction Equals Bad Experience……..

Tooth Extraction Equals Bad Experience……..

So I went to have a tooth extracted back on October 5th. Well what an experience it was. My simple extraction took nearly and hour and a half and I have had nothing but problems since.  Because it took so long I ended up with a dry docket because the clot was destroyed and disappeared. Apparently the roots wrapped around the bone, which I might had I was not expecting nor have I heard of this before. Secondly I put on Clindamycin,Ibuprofren, and Vicodin.

Well it was a nightmare. After taking the antibiotic to the very end, on the last day I go to take the last pill and it goes down and it feels stuck. I can’t get it to go down and it wont budge. After a little bit I start feeling really sharp chest pains, and it continues on to then include difficulty swallowing. It really begins to get worse because I am really hungry and after conducting research on line about what it could be it sounds like my esophagus is irritated so I try some toast like the websites said and that did not go over too well. Let say it really hurts to swallow it and when it hits the esophagus or what I think is my esophagus it sends to my knees in pain and the tears are just streaming down my face. So I try to manage it with Prilosec and Mylanta with no improvement.

So I finally go to the doctors and do to the amount of damage the clindamycin and ibuprofren I may have gastric problems forever. Apparently the antibiotic or should I say my reaction to it caused my body to lose all its healthy bacteria and no I am prone to infection because my immune system can’t fight all anything. Also my esophagus is ulcerated and there is a possibility that I may now have a gastric ulcer……….So I go home with three more medicine which I am now completely afraid to take anything else at this point. The tooth extraction side still has not healed………….Moral of the story know the dentist really well and do your research and pay close attention to the fine print on the printout of side effects the pharmacy gives you.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Being the parent of a child with any form of autism or any intellectual disorder can be very frustrating on the parent. My son has PPD-NOS with major sensory integration and perception issues and I must say people who don't deal with a child with problems should just shut up and try living one day in my shoes. Just because my son is having a meltdown does not mean the I am bad parent or he is just a spoiled brat. So when you see a child acting out take a step back and thing well maybe there is a reason for his behavior before passing judgements. Ok thank you I feel better now.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Falling Leaves and Brisk Mornings

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. It's not too cold nor too hot and  living in New England I find the most beautiful leaves of all different assortments of the rainbow. It's sweatshirt weather in the morning with a nice hot cup of coffee especially pumpkin spice that makes the day. I love to wonder around with my phone or camera and take breathtaking photos of all the beauty that we normally take for granted. So I ask what is your favorite season and what about it makes it your favorite.

What a day!!!

Why do I work so hard to be accepted and wanted and not lied too. On the bright side I was very productive as far as business research goes. On a side note my mouth seems to be finally healing after a week long painful dry socket. I just realized I forgot to eat today so I guess I shall go have some soup and relax with my book. If all else fails I will finish going through all my papers that I did not get to accomplish earlier.

I will not always be here sitting in wait that I can promise you.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Missy's Rants: Hydrocephalus - A subject that is near and dear to...

Missy's Rants: Hydrocephalus - A subject that is near and dear to...: Hydrocephalus is a topic of discussion that hits close to home for me as I was diagnosed in my early twenties after acquiring the chicken bo...